If you've got testimonies and experiences that you know can bless multitudes, please send to my mail olaoke.olatunji24@gmail.com. You can also contact that mail for counseling. Feel free to drop your comments and discoveries.
God bless you as you do so..

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


A deep study on the book of John4:1-42, I discovered the plain truth of who Jesus truly is. It was the encounter with the woman of Samaria. Here was a woman who has had an ugly past, she had married five husbands and the one she even lived with was not her legal husband, pathetic isn’t it? She must have been regarded as a prostitute, in fact a practical whore. She must have been the kind of woman parents wouldn’t want their children to mingle with, men would have thought her a cheap lady. I can imagine what people would have tagged her, nothing good would have been expected of her. What a write off she would have been, it was not recorded she had children of her own. What a pity personality she had.
 A proper name for her would have been “society outcast”, yet the bible recorded that Jesus waited by the well on this woman. Isn’t it strange that the God of heaven and earth, the Holiest of all, one who was anointed without measure, one who was without sin would wait by the well on a woman who could be classified as a confirmed hell candidate not to talk of having a conversation with her. Now that’s the Jesus I know, one who would reach down into the deepest pit to drag out a destiny and make a landmark of it.
If you would read that chapter you would discover that He not only had a conversation with her, He gave her a new beginning, broke the barriers that could stop her from accessing God, and what triggers me the most is that He used her to change the whole city. Isn’t it amazing that God could use your mess to impact the world?
No matter how ugly your past is, friend the God that made you says He’s going to make you a wonder. The uglier your past, the more Glorious the future. God knows what you are going through, He sees your temptations, He’s right there in the middle of your storm, and He’s only expecting you to learn what He wants you to learn so His Glory can be perfect in you. So don’t let the devil haunt you with your past, because if he (devil) had known what you would become he would never have tried you with the storm in the first place. Don’t let the devil take you down, here’s  the shocker, THE DEVIL DOES NOT KNOW GOD’S PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE I repeat THE DEVIL DOES NOT KNOW GOD’S PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!! The bible says no man can know the things of man save the spirit of man and no man can know the things of God save the Spirit of God and you can’t tell me the devil has the Spirit of God in him. If the devil had known the purpose of crucifixion, he would never have crucified Jesus. So my dear friend, Glory in your travails and temptation for at the end of the tunnel there is light, for all things work together for good to them that love God. If God can use the woman of Samaria, YES HE CAN USE YOU, if He can use me, YES HE CAN USE YOU!!!

Monday, 28 May 2012


Thousands have launched into careers they should have never have dipped their hands in. In the course of this doing this, some have made a shipwreck of themselves while others are working hard to cover up the trash they’ve gotten into.*smh*
One pressing factor that is really derailing many in this Glorious Generation is “comparison” syndrome. This syndrome has got many into troubles, havoc, broken careers; it has made many corporate beggars, some are stuck abroad now with nothing to show for after spending donkey years abroad just because they fell for the “comparison” syndrome.
Now let me put it straight, the fact that Mr. A made it going through that path doesn’t mean u also will make it through that path. Stop comparing you with other people, every man was created, specially designed, graphically constructed and articulately structured to perform a specific mission here on earth. But it’s sad many don’t have that understanding and have ended up forming a queue on the path to failure.
Let me give u an example of the story of a cock that was in search of food and suddenly an eagle caught its sight up far above in the sky. It was amazed at the way the eagle soared in the sky above, with time it grew jealous and concluded that it too can fly like that since it’s got wings like the eagle’s.  So it embarked the mission of trying soar at the altitude of the eagle but ended up losing one of its wings due to over stressing.
Many people like the cock have embarked on impossible missions and have ended up failures, and then they come around to blame God for not granting them success.  Stop using another’s accomplishment as a yardstick for yours like my mum would say “ma wo ago alago sise”. God created you, YES I mean YOU, for a special purpose and until you go ask Him you might continue to live a life of mystery. I’m convinced that if everyone were to take time to ask God for their purpose, we would not have 5000 people applying for one vacant post in an organization.
Very few have had this understanding and it has made them living legends. I keep wondering, if everyone were to be  musicians, who’ll be d listener; if everyone were to be doctors, who’ll be the patient?; if everyone were to be Ben Carson, then whose brains will be operated?; if everyone were to be pastors then who’ll be the congregation? Dear friend take time and ask God what He made you for and I’m assured we’ll meet at the top someday.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Is it still all about God?

Is it still all about God?

When you first started talking to him, you were just keen on winning him over to God’s kingdom, but is it still so?
When you first started blogging, you just wanted to share the Word with all, but is it still so, is it still about God?
When you first started getting close to Her, you just wanted to learn so much about God, is it still so?
When you first started singing, you just wanted to worship God, but is it still so?
When you first started fellowshipping there, you felt the presence of the Holyspirit so strong, and you always wanted more, is it still so, or have your friends become your focus?
When you first gave your life to Christ, you just loved dwelling in the presence of God, is it still so?

This is just to encourage us to take a step back, look at our actions and motives, is it still all about God? if it isn’t, return to your first love. Revelation  2:4-5 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”