Nowadays, there is a drive that motivates a lot of people to do anything. Most people will go to any length to achieve this aim. A lot of young men and women have fallen in the quest for achieving this aim. I guess you know what this drive is; yeah you are right; Money and Power.
These two factors have been the reason for most of the atrocities that have befallen man in these days. I marvel at the extent at which people will go to achieve them, especially in this part of the world. Young guys with glorious destinies giving themselves over to the bondage of cultism. Supposed great business minds, inventors, leaders wasting away talents in scamming (yahoo yahoo). Ladies with glorious future, giving over to sexual lusts and all manner of unthinkable acts all in the quest for money and power. All sorts of evil committed in this world today can be exclusively traced down to the quest for these two factors Money and Power.
Hmmmm, I wonder, what’s the way out of this ridiculous state? I hear someone say money is the root of all evil, well my bible tells me “the love of money is the root of all evil”. I remember God telling the Israelites never to bow to any other god except Him. That same law still applies to us but each time we mention gods, what comes to people’s minds is idols made with woods and all sorts. I can boldly tell you there are gods who are not made of such, one of these is the god of gold (money worship) which has made many shipwreck and destroyed destinies. Sad to say, many are still not learning lessons but are still going that same way
My reason for posting this is to provide you with the easiest way for making this money and getting this power. If you can follow this rule, then you are so on your way to making it;
RULE 1- KNOW WHO YOU ARE: before embarking on the journey of life, one needs to understand perfectly who one is in God. Let me ask you this, who are you? There’s this story of a lion that grew up among flocks of sheep, so it ate what they ate and behaved like a sheep. Every time they'd go to the stream to drink water, a big lion appears and they'd all run including the young lion. One day while it drank water from the stream, it saw its reflection and realized he was the same as the big lion. The next time when the big lion came to challenge them, instead of running like the others, it ran over to join the big lion. It discovered who it was. You need to know who you are so you don’t end up a lion living among sheep. The knowledge of who you are in Christ really goes a long way!
RULE 2- DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE: every human created has one purpose or the other to fulfill, just like we know the purpose of a chair is sitting and that of a cup is drinking. A great man said, “Where the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable”. Don’t be deceived that there’s no such things as purpose, as a matter of fact there is and it’s the gateway to your destiny. God will not create to just come around and constitute nuisance, YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! You might be wondering how to know your purpose, the best thing is consult your manual which is the Word of God and align with your maker. It could be through your gifts and talents. Just look deep within you. What’s your purpose? If you can define this, then you have a bearing.
RULE 3- WORK TO ACHIEVE YOUR PURPOSE: it’s not enough to know your purpose, you have to pursue it and not be weary nor discouraged. You have to stand for it and with it. People automatically follow men with purpose. Do you know your purpose and are getting discouraged, well God says to tell you, all you need to do is persevere and you’ll get there. Men with purpose don’t get discouraged, Michael Faraday got his lab burnt down many times but he stood with his purpose, Martin Luther King Jnr had every reason to back out, rather he chose to stand with it. If you have chickened out easily then it means you didn’t discover purpose. Your purpose will unusually drive you. Don’t give up on that dream; many of life’s failures are those who gave up on their dream just when they are close to making it. I assure you the end always pays.
RULE 4- this last rule is what embodies all the preceding rules and it’s what many fail to realize. I call it the jackpot of life; it’s your surest way to fame, power and money. It looks simple yet complicated but still the most potent force. This rule is the 633 rule and it’s very simple and straight; submit yourself totally to God and all these things that people are dying to get will come after you. Isn’t that the best? Ps 34:10 says they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. To me I believe that’s the surest route to achieve this factors and not make shipwreck.
If you can follow these set rules, I guarantee you a life of power, money, fame and most of all a life filled with God. Friend, I dare you to stand for your dream.
Really nice! Very well written as well.