If you've got testimonies and experiences that you know can bless multitudes, please send to my mail olaoke.olatunji24@gmail.com. You can also contact that mail for counseling. Feel free to drop your comments and discoveries.
God bless you as you do so..
God bless you as you do so..
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
words of truth may only deaden hearers unless accompanied by the power
of the Spirit. Our teaching and our sermons, unless empowered by the
spirit may hinder rather than bless. A demonstration of the Spirit is
what is needed not ordinary words "..for the letter kills, but the
Spirit gives life."(2cor3:6).
The truth backed by the Holy Spirit is
what commands conviction. Crave for the infilling of the Holy Spirit
and see how souls will turn to Christ through you..
Stand in God's
presence before you stand before men. Only when you come from the
presence of God can you lead men into the presence of God.
(partial excerpts from "Ablaze for God")
number of revelations is a substitute for intercessions. No quality of
preaching can be a substitute for prayers. If Jesus could not manifest
without prayers, then who are you to say you can. Many motivate others
to pray, but are prayerless themselves. Revive ur prayer life and
you'll be marveled at what heaven has in store for you.
Every message you preach not born from a prayer altar is message from your head and can never convict your listeners.
Is ur prayer life weak and you can't seem to revive it on ur own? Get a
prayer partner... By all means, try to activate ur prayer altar and
most of all pray in the Spirit always...
Prayer makes you a fire
brand, before the opposition comes, the way has already being made.
Prayer keeps you ready aforehand, prayer gives you access to the throne
of grace. The devil never gives notice before he attacks, but prayer
keeps you ready... Wigglesworth said "I never go more than thirty
minutes without praying".. Prayer keeps you in the spirit always..
This generation needs prayers as we are on the verge of a revival
outbreak where the church of Christ shall be as one. Don't lose ur stand
Friday, 6 July 2012
me share what I see about this Generation... The Lord showed me in a
Vision a desert and there came a mighty flood and the people rejoiced
because the Lord had caused rivers in the desert (Isa 43:19) and then in
a little while Jesus appeared in the sky coming for His people and i
was glad for whoever calls upon His name shall be saved...... The Lord
gave me the understanding that in these days He will pour out His Spirit
upon all flesh (Joel 2) which was the significance of the flood.....
We are in the days preceding the coming of the Lord and the Lord has
vowed to raise giants out of this generation, such as never been seen in
previous generations and in the next. Our generation is the
pace-setting generation, I tell you with all authority, The Lord has
vowed to use YOU to reveal His Glory here on earth and to cause catastrophe in hell, because we are all together going to empty HELL.
We are in the generation of them that seek Him, the Lord has assured
that He is raising Giants in the Finance, Agricultural, Engineering,
Ministerial, Entertainment sectors, all in the ARMY OF THE LORD. An army
unstoppable, an army unbeatable, an army that knows no retreat, a
forceful army of the Lord raised to bring vengeance on wicked forces.
For His word says "Shall the prey be taken away from the mighty or the
lawful captives delivered? But Thus saith the Lord, even the captives of
the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be
delivered, For I will contend with them that contend with you".
The Lord has sent me to alongside many others reading this to raise
this wonderful army for Him and believe me, we will not rest until you
make that Army. For He said they shall be called
a new name, The Redeemed Of the Lord (Isa 62)
The Lord assured
me by His word saying "Therefore prophesy and say to them, 'Thus saith
the Lord God: "Behold O my people, I will open your graves, and cause
you to come up from your graves and bring you into the land of Israel.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O
my people and brought you up from your graves" (Ezek 37:12).
Awake thou that sleepest my fellow comrades for the time is now! I say
to you in the name that is above every other name YOUR GRAVES SHALL BE
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Each time I give counsel to youths about waiting on God for a life partner, i hear replies like; "I don't really believe in this waiting on God stuff", "God told me he/she's my life partner but there's no positive response from him/her", "he's very caring and i know his family too well, he definitely is the one", "I'm too old to start waiting on God for a life partner, I'll take any good one that comes my way" etc....
What I have come to discover is that many youths are in a serious dilemma when it comes to the issue of relationships, some end up making the wrong choice of marriage and later discover they married a beast. So I'll just make it easy for as many as are concerned with this issue of utmost importance.
I'll give you steps to knowing if your partner is the right one for you and perhaps if you don't have one, these will help you.
1. Know your Purpose: before you even think of getting a life partner, you should at the very first know why God has created you and the purpose he meant for you to fulfill: "where the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable". If you have no idea where you are headed in life, everywhere may look like it and every guy or lady may look like the right person. Most times your true life partner usually has a connection with your purpose or vision. You can't marry someone who totally opposes your Vision or purpose.
2. Wait on God: I believe this is where many get confused because they always expect to hear a thunderous baritonic voice from heaven while some complain of getting no answer from God. You don’t always have to hear a voice although could be one of the ways He answers you , could be in dreams, visions, human witnesses but you also need to be careful to know the source of these. This is the reason building a relationship with God is very important, some folks have never even developed acquaintance with Him not to talk of a relationship with Him yet when issues come up they run to Him like they’ve been with Him all the while. Build a relationship with God and get to know how He communicates with you but most of all reach Him in prayers for your future partner. One secret to getting answers concerning your future partner from the prayer altar is by going to God neutral, with an unbiased mind. Don’t have your mind already made up about a person and then go to God to ask if he/she is the right one, you’ll probably hear yourself not God. Some already get involved romantically (very wrong) with the person and expect to get direction from God, you'll most probably hear your flesh. When asking God for the right person, go to Him plain, neutral and unbiased, God does not commune with an arrogant spirit.
3. Check for Peace: check within you if there is supernatural peace in your spirit each time you are with the person or praying about the person because whatever comes from God must be accompanied with peace of mind and ease. If you are feeling anxious, unrest about that person, you should watch, God might be telling you something.
4. Vision Alignment: be sure to check if your visions align with each other. Believe me when I say this is very important, it’s your major security for future peace. Marrying someone who opposes your vision is fatal, Amos 3:3 says "Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Take time to know your vision, your spouse is just on your way to fulfilling that vision.
5. Make yourself Approachable: hmmmmm, my dear brethren in the Lord there is a huge difference between Spirituality and Physical appearance. The fact that you are Holy Ghost filled, tongue blasting, bible loaded, Fire brand Christian does not mean you should dress in an awkward manner. You are addressed the way you dress. Make yourself presentable, pay attention to the various areas in your body, clean up yourself, and watch the odour that comes out of you. Just picture a man with a stench mouth odour walking up to a well dressed sister telling her “God told me you are my wife”, well her reply would be simple if she were me, “God told me I’m not”. No matter how spiritual you are, your appearance matters.
6. Character: Be conscious of your character, anointing is different from character and cannot replace it. Anointing gets him/her for you, character makes him/her stay.
Try your best to put all these in place and you are on your way to building a successful marriage. But if you’ve still got questions, you can send an email.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
to the Pastors and Shepherds who feed themselves! Should not the
shepherds feed the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the
wool but you do not feed the flock. Thus saith the Lord: "Behold I am
against the I am against the shepherds!"
For how long, when
will true worship be restored to the church of Christ, all we hear now
are tailored sermons to please the crowd. Eloquent sermons
without fire are all we hear. The Gospel has been turned to a seed
sowing spree, the church has become a den of thieves, anointing that was
got free is now for sale. Woe unto you if the Gospel is for your own
illicit gain, thus saith the Lord!. For the time is come when Shepherds
shall be judged and the true army of the Lord shall be raised.
The time is come soon when the whole world will resound with the praises
of our God and Savior. In all nations and in every language, the day is
almost here when every tongue will confess that "Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father"
Behold He comes soon and He has
placed His hunger in the heart of many souls, this is my conviction,
The Glory of the House of the Lord shall be RESTORED!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Be glad children of zion, The Lord has heard your cry of restoration and is calling unto you raise a people prepared for the Lord. Let that revival start from YOU!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
give you a secret to accessing blessings from the Lord. It has been
underestimated by a lot of Christians and has therefore lost potency in
their lives.
One major secret of accessing blessings of God
is putting the needs of others first. Christ showed us this example
through out His life and ministry. When you pray for others genuinely
from your heart, God has no choice than to settle your own needs,
because its a seed you have sown and is bound to germinate. Most of the
things we pray for are already settled in heaven but God wants us to
give Him a reason to release them on us, and the only reason we can give
Him is by showing Him how much we care about His other creations(fellow
humans). Each time you show concern to a fellow human, you remind God
of how He sent His son for the sake of humanity and therefore provoke a
blessing on yourself because you act like His son did.
Most of
my prayer life are centered on praying for people genuinely and seeing
that they get to their place of relevance, little wonder He keeps
settling me.
So will you take time out each day to pray for someone?
Saturday, 9 June 2012
I was waiting on the Lord on a night asking for fresh oil and refilling of my spirit. And the Lord spoke to me expressly saying "Take a look at the lantern used for generating light, before u can use it to generate light, u have to fill it with oil(Kerosene). Now the oil will never go down unless it is lighted up with fire to generate light and the more the oil goes down, the more the need to refill. But as long as it is not struck with fire the oil will remain the way it is and with time will remain stagnant. Son, many ask for Me to refill their oil but they have not used up the one I put in them due to greed and selfishness. My word says LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE THAT ALL MEN MAY SEE but many have kept the gifts, the virtues, the anointing, the revelations I gave them to themselves and are now stagnant thereby causing flies to perch on them because my word says FLIES CAUSE THE OIL OF THE APOTHECARY TO STINK. Son, water that does not flow will remain stagnant and breed all manner of dirt. How can I refill a vessel that is full?"
Vessels of Honor, you heard what the Lord said and I must admit it is true, whatever GIFTS, VIRTUES, REVELATIONS, ANOINTING the Lord put in you, please let it out by using it to bless others which is all for the perfection of the body of Christ. Don't die a STAGNANT VESSEL. Little wonder a wise man said the richest place on earth is the graveyard due to the number of dead people who never actualized what God put in them.
I dare you to LET IT ALL OUT!!
Vessels of Honor, you heard what the Lord said and I must admit it is true, whatever GIFTS, VIRTUES, REVELATIONS, ANOINTING the Lord put in you, please let it out by using it to bless others which is all for the perfection of the body of Christ. Don't die a STAGNANT VESSEL. Little wonder a wise man said the richest place on earth is the graveyard due to the number of dead people who never actualized what God put in them.
I dare you to LET IT ALL OUT!!
Thursday, 7 June 2012
does not do anything here on earth without using a Man. Before He
commands a Miracle He soughts for a man He'd use as a vessel. He could
have spoken to the dry bones Himself in the book of Ezekiel but He
instructed Ezekiel to do it. He could have decided to bless the widow of
Zarepta Himself still He sent Elijah to her as a source of Her
blessing. The last time He did it Himself was when He created Man but
after He breathed into man His Spirit, He gave us the Power to be like
Him and Jesus further demonstrated it telling us greater works than He
did we shall do. In other words we are partners with God, He is the
Spirit and we are His flesh. All He is waiting for is for you to speak
the word and He'll confirm it!
He created the world and
everything in it, He set the laws and protocols guiding it, He could
choose to come down and break them Himself rather he chooses to use a
man who has been confined within those protocols to break them just to
show us how much power He gave us!
Friend, until you speak to
that situation it may never turn around, stop waiting on God to come
down and perform a miracle for you, just SPEAK to it and He'll confirm
I await your testimonies..
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
A deep study on the book of John4:1-42, I discovered the
plain truth of who Jesus truly is. It was the encounter with the woman of Samaria.
Here was a woman who has had an ugly past, she had married five husbands and
the one she even lived with was not her legal husband, pathetic isn’t it? She must
have been regarded as a prostitute, in fact a practical whore. She must have
been the kind of woman parents wouldn’t want their children to mingle with, men
would have thought her a cheap lady. I can imagine what people would have
tagged her, nothing good would have been expected of her. What a write off she
would have been, it was not recorded she had children of her own. What a pity
personality she had.
A proper name for her
would have been “society outcast”, yet the bible recorded that Jesus waited by
the well on this woman. Isn’t it strange that the God of heaven and earth, the
Holiest of all, one who was anointed without measure, one who was without sin
would wait by the well on a woman who could be classified as a confirmed hell
candidate not to talk of having a conversation with her. Now that’s the Jesus I
know, one who would reach down into the deepest pit to drag out a destiny and
make a landmark of it.
If you would read that chapter you would discover that He
not only had a conversation with her, He gave her a new beginning, broke the barriers
that could stop her from accessing God, and what triggers me the most is that
He used her to change the whole city. Isn’t it amazing that God could use your
mess to impact the world?
No matter how ugly your past is, friend the God that made
you says He’s going to make you a wonder. The uglier your past, the more
Glorious the future. God knows what you are going through, He sees your
temptations, He’s right there in the middle of your storm, and He’s only
expecting you to learn what He wants you to learn so His Glory can be perfect
in you. So don’t let the devil haunt you with your past, because if he (devil)
had known what you would become he would never have tried you with the storm in
the first place. Don’t let the devil take you down, here’s the shocker, THE DEVIL DOES NOT KNOW GOD’S
bible says no man can know the things of
man save the spirit of man and no man can know the things of God save the
Spirit of God and you can’t tell me the devil has the Spirit of God in him.
If the devil had known the purpose of crucifixion, he would never have
crucified Jesus. So my dear friend, Glory in your travails and temptation for
at the end of the tunnel there is light, for
all things work together for good to them that love God. If God can use the
woman of Samaria, YES HE CAN USE YOU, if He can use me, YES HE CAN USE YOU!!!
Monday, 28 May 2012
Thousands have launched into careers they should have never
have dipped their hands in. In the course of this doing this, some have made a
shipwreck of themselves while others are working hard to cover up the trash
they’ve gotten into.*smh*
One pressing factor that is really derailing many in this
Glorious Generation is “comparison”
syndrome. This syndrome has got many into troubles, havoc, broken careers; it
has made many corporate beggars, some are stuck abroad now with nothing to show
for after spending donkey years abroad just because they fell for the “comparison” syndrome.
Now let me put it straight, the fact that Mr. A made it
going through that path doesn’t mean u also will make it through that path.
Stop comparing you with other people, every man was created, specially
designed, graphically constructed and articulately structured to perform a
specific mission here on earth. But it’s sad many don’t have that understanding
and have ended up forming a queue on the path to failure.
Let me give u an example of the story of a cock that was in
search of food and suddenly an eagle caught its sight up far above in the sky. It
was amazed at the way the eagle soared in the sky above, with time it grew
jealous and concluded that it too can fly like that since it’s got wings like
the eagle’s. So it embarked the mission
of trying soar at the altitude of the eagle but ended up losing one of its
wings due to over stressing.
Many people like the cock have embarked on impossible
missions and have ended up failures, and then they come around to blame God for
not granting them success. Stop using
another’s accomplishment as a yardstick for yours like my mum would say “ma wo
ago alago sise”. God created you, YES I mean YOU, for a special purpose and
until you go ask Him you might continue to live a life of mystery. I’m
convinced that if everyone were to take time to ask God for their purpose, we
would not have 5000 people applying for one vacant post in an organization.
Very few have had this understanding and it has made them
living legends. I keep wondering, if everyone were to be musicians, who’ll be d listener; if everyone
were to be doctors, who’ll be the patient?; if everyone were to be Ben Carson,
then whose brains will be operated?; if everyone were to be pastors then who’ll
be the congregation? Dear friend take time and ask God what He made you for and
I’m assured we’ll meet at the top someday.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Is it still all about God?
Is it still all about God?
When you first started talking to him, you were just keen on winning him over to God’s kingdom, but is it still so?
When you first started blogging, you just wanted to share the Word with all, but is it still so, is it still about God?
When you first started getting close to Her, you just wanted to learn so much about God, is it still so?
When you first started singing, you just wanted to worship God, but is it still so?
When you first started fellowshipping there, you felt the presence of the Holyspirit so strong, and you always wanted more, is it still so, or have your friends become your focus?
When you first gave your life to Christ, you just loved dwelling in the presence of God, is it still so?
This is just to encourage us to take a step back, look at our actions and motives, is it still all about God? if it isn’t, return to your first love. Revelation 2:4-5 “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
More Than Intercourse
Hey guys i saw this and i decided to share. post your comments.
Ways to make love without going over the edge
“If you and your girlfriend or
boyfriend had decided to
postpone sexual intercourse,
how would you let the other
person know you loved him or
her?” Here’s what they said:
“If you and your girlfriend or
boyfriend had decided to
postpone sexual intercourse,
how would you let the other
person know you loved him or
her?” Here’s what they said:
Tell her “I love you”.
Send flowers.
Hold hands.
Send flowers.
Hold hands.
Make God your focus
Pray with each other
Have deep, meaningful conversations.
Treat each other nice.
Smile at each other.
Write poems to each other.
Dance together.
Have deep, meaningful conversations.
Treat each other nice.
Smile at each other.
Write poems to each other.
Dance together.
Talk about your feelings.
Discuss problems.
Just be together.
Take him out.
Tell her “I don’t want to be
with anyone else”.
Discuss problems.
Just be together.
Take him out.
Tell her “I don’t want to be
with anyone else”.
Go to a drive-in.
Go to marriage seminars together
Ask how she’s feeling.
Sort out disagreements.
Put up with his friends.
Ask how she’s feeling.
Sort out disagreements.
Put up with his friends.
Go to a concert together.
Give each other gifts.
Plan your future together
Observe the stars together.
Share some of the same hobbies.
Whisper that I love him.
Be nice to each other.
Visit his mother.
Write love letters.
Call him just to say “hello” or “good night”.
Blow her kisses.
Give each other gifts.
Plan your future together
Observe the stars together.
Share some of the same hobbies.
Whisper that I love him.
Be nice to each other.
Visit his mother.
Write love letters.
Call him just to say “hello” or “good night”.
Blow her kisses.
Give her a ring.
Take her someplace meaningful or special.
Have a romantic picnic in the park.
Show affection.
Take her someplace meaningful or special.
Have a romantic picnic in the park.
Show affection.
Talk about the reasons for our decision to wait to have sex.
Buy him nice things.
Go swimming together.
Go hiking together.
Buy him nice things.
Go swimming together.
Go hiking together.
Be her best friend.
Sit and talk for a long time.
Be close.
Share thoughts.
Sing her a song.
Do the things you used to do.
Ask to be with her more.
Build a stronger relationship.
Sit and talk for a long time.
Be close.
Share thoughts.
Sing her a song.
Do the things you used to do.
Ask to be with her more.
Build a stronger relationship.
Do her housework.
Tell her you care.
Stick up for him if he gets in trouble.
Tell her you care.
Stick up for him if he gets in trouble.
Be sensitive.
Tell her I’ll always be there for her.
Go out of the way for each other.
Tell her I’ll always be there for her.
Go out of the way for each other.
Go camping.
Tell her I appreciate how she treats me.
Respect each other.
Buy him something sentimental.
Tell her I appreciate how she treats me.
Respect each other.
Buy him something sentimental.
Carry her books home from school.
Never let him go.
Take a walk together.
Go to a party.
Cook for each other.
Never let him go.
Take a walk together.
Go to a party.
Cook for each other.
Leave a little love note in his pocket.
Dedicate our favorite song on the radio.
Speak the language of love – French– to him.
Tell her the longer you wait, the better it will be.
Arrange a date where we first met.
Watch him compete in a sporting event.
Do homework together.
Slip a note into her notebook.
Treat her like a queen.
Pay attention to her likes and dislikes.
Dedicate our favorite song on the radio.
Speak the language of love – French– to him.
Tell her the longer you wait, the better it will be.
Arrange a date where we first met.
Watch him compete in a sporting event.
Do homework together.
Slip a note into her notebook.
Treat her like a queen.
Pay attention to her likes and dislikes.
Make sure he’s comfortable.
Send him a card.
Draw a heart on a tree and put both names in the middle.
Call her every night.
Send him a card.
Draw a heart on a tree and put both names in the middle.
Call her every night.
Hold each other close.
Trust him.
Support each other.
Go for a drive.
Take him skiing.
Sit really close while watching a movie.
Make him a present.
Take care of him when he’s sick.
Carry pictures of each other.
Trust him.
Support each other.
Go for a drive.
Take him skiing.
Sit really close while watching a movie.
Make him a present.
Take care of him when he’s sick.
Carry pictures of each other.
Go to a sports event together.
Watch a sunset together.
Be faithful.
Share secrets. REMEMBER: The safest sex is
NO sex!
Watch a sunset together.
Be faithful.
Share secrets. REMEMBER: The safest sex is
NO sex!
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